With twenty-five years experience between them, educating people on the Gerson Therapy, Stephanie and Suzanne were pillars at our former Advanced Gerson Therapy Clinic. Suzanne, a former, cured breast cancer patient and employee at our clinic, brings a unique experience and perspective only a patient can; making her an invaluable asset to prospective and future patients on our THREE-MONTH HOME PROGRAM. Stephanie, with fifteen years experience as manager of our clinic, also understands the intricate details of the Gerson Therapy and the demands that are required of patients to carry out our powerful treatment protocols. Together, as a team, they are unrivaled by none in their ability to effectively set patients on their way to regaining their health. Enjoy this brief self-introduction of your two patient consultants who will make up the majority of your consultations on our Advanced Gerson Home Program
Over the years, countless people have asked us if we offer a remote home program so they could learn and carry out our ADVANCED GERSON PROTOCOL in the confines of their own home. Unfortunately, the logistics of that simply were not possible in the past. With the rapidly changing landscape around the world and in Mexico, making the Gerson Therapy increasingly difficult, if not impossible, to carry out peacefully, safely and efficiently, the time has arrived to make a comprehensive, home program available to our patients. No more having to travel to an increasingly dangerous country. The ability to learn our ADVANCED GERSON PROTOCOL with extremely personalized attention. Our new, Advanced Gerson Three-Month Home Program will be the safest, cheapest, most comprehensive and most cost-effective way to learn how to carry out The Therapy in the confines of your own home. The patient’s have spoken; the environment and landscape has changed. The time has arrived for what countless potential patients have requested. For more information, click on the link below:
Due to the rapidly changing, increasingly dangerous, societal, and economic conditions in Mexico (and around the world), it is becoming extremely difficult, dangerous and nearly impossible, to continue carrying out the Gerson Therapy in a clinical setting. Compound that with the fact that Google/YouTube have now publically announced their active censorship of the Gerson Therapy, specifically, and it leaves us with no choice but to adapt to these current conditions. Bearing these factors in mind, we are transitioning Dr. Gerson’s amazing therapy from a clinical setting to a completely home-based, comprehensive, remote program that will allow all future patients the luxury of being able to successfully carry out our ADVANCED GERSON THERAPY PROTOCOL at home without having to travel and spend the exorbitant amounts of money it requires to carry out and perform the therapy in a clinical setting. This will not only guarantee the comfort and safety of our patients, but it will also afford them the ability to use funds, otherwise needed to attend our clinic, to utilize the various adjunctive modalities we use at our clinic to enhance the effectiveness of the Gerson Therapy. While we will greatly miss working together as a group, teaching patients the Gerson Therapy in a clinical setting, we are excited for the flexibility and opportunity this transition will afford all of our future patients. With our THREE-MONTH, ADVANCED GERSON THERAPY, HOME PROGRAM, patients will receive three months of everything they need to carry out the Gerson Therapy at home. This program includes three months of online ZOOM consultations with our trained, medical and clinical staff and Dr. Vickers himself. It will insure that all patients and family be thoroughly educated on this incredibly intensive, highly specific, detailed and powerful therapy giving patients the ability to heal from whatever conditions they may be suffering with.
The world is dramatically and rapidly changing. The disgusting, evil forces behind the current global situation are actively seeking to destroy and wipe out all remaining Truth from our lives and our lips. We are doing everything possible to keep that Truth alive for the benefit of our future patients and all of humanity. If you feel you need, or can benefit from, our THREE MONTH ADVANCED GERSON THERAPY HOME PROGRAM, please reach out to us at director@gersonclinic.com.
Sincerely, from all of us, at THE ADVANCED GERSON THERAPY.
Dr. Vickers has done a live event taking general questions and answers on health, disease and successfully reversing advanced cancer with the Advanced Gerson Therapy Protocol. Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Dr. Albert Schweitzer, called Dr. Gerson, “one of the most eminent geniuses in medical history.” Dr. Vickers lived with world renowned daughter of Dr. Gerson, Charlotte Gerson, where Dr. Vickers studied the actual handwritten files of Dr. Gerson’s up until his death in 1959. With Charlotte’s passing few years ago, Dr. Vickers is one of the only ones left to carry on Dr. Gerson’s legacy and his miraculous therapy so do not miss out on the opportunity to hear the true science behind health and disease during this rare, live event.
Due to an agreement with Shopify, an online platform we use to run our Gerson Clinic Store, our patients can now purchase their stay at our clinic using their credit cards. Shopify also offers installment plans paying as little as $464 per month depending on which Plan you receive at our clinic. The Gerson Therapy has just become accessible to a majority of people previously unable to take advantage of its 100 years of success in reversing virtually every degenerative disease. Something to cheer for sure. Please follow the links below to our Gerson Clinic Store to purchase the installment plan for the Advanced Gerson Therapy Treatment: