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LIVE with Dr. Vickers

LIVE with Dr. Vickers

Dr. Vickers hosted a live event taking general questions and answers on health, disease and successfully reversing advanced cancer with the Advanced Gerson Therapy Protocol. Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Dr. Albert Schweitzer, called Dr. Gerson, “one of the most eminent geniuses in medical history.” Dr. Vickers lived with world renowned daughter of Dr. Gerson, Charlotte Gerson, where Dr. Vickers studied the actual handwritten files of Dr. Gerson’s up until his death in 1959. With Charlotte’s passing 2 years ago, Dr. Vickers is one of the only ones left to carry on Dr. Gerson’s legacy and his miraculous therapy so do not miss out on the opportunity to hear the true science behind health and disease during this rare, live event.


Benign vs. Malignant. Gerson Isn’t Just For Cancer.

For over 100 years the Gerson Therapy has become synonymous with reversing advanced, terminal cancer. The seven movies that have chronicled our work, unfortunately, have made malignant(cancerous) disease the center of their focus taking attention away from all the other diseases we are able to successfullyreverse. What about benign, non-malignant tumors? Can the Gerson Therapy effect those as well? Absolutely! Countless people have had success dealing with Fibromas, Ovarian Cysts, Endometriosis, etc…In this wonderful interview, breast cancer survivor, Suzanne Mulroy, interviews Elizabeth V. from California who came to us this month for a very large Schwanoma(nerve tumor) on her ilio psoas muscle. Facing the 100% possibility of being permanently disabled with surgical removal of her tumor, Elizabeth elected to come to us to combat her condition. Listen to her story and why she ended up deciding that our clinic, Northern Baja Gerson Center, was the place to come above other clinics.

An Inspiring Message of Hope and Wisdom by Gerson Breast Cancer Survivor; Suzanne Mulroy

Six years ago Suzanne Mulroy came to our clinic, Northern Baja Gerson Center, after she was diagnosed for the THIRD time, in five years, with recurrent breast cancer. Typically, a third recurrence comes with an extremely poor prognosis as the risk of metastasis to other organs takes on an exponentially greater risk. Faced with going back down the road of conventional medicine, which ultimately led her to her third recurrence in the first place, Suzanne turned her back on chemotherapy and radiation and embarked on history’s and the world’s most powerful therapy for the treatment of advanced cancer and disease; The Advanced Gerson Therapy. Fool me once shame on you..fool me twice(or three times for that matter!) Shame on me was the logic Suzanne used to make her decision. Six years later she is alive and well and lives to share with others her incredible advice of wisdom and hope. If you, or a loved one, are suffering from cancer, or any degenerative disease, you have natural, more powerful and successful options.

The Future of Breast Cancer Treatment; An Alternative to Lumpectomy and Mastectomy.

It is no secret that the Gerson Therapy has 100 years of proven success in its ability to reverse advanced cancer and degenerative diseases. However, historically,  getting tumors off of, or out of the body, before embarking on the Gerson Therapy almost always increases the chances of survival. Unfortunately,  this often means surgeries that leave the body and the psychology of the patient in a damaged or deformed state like in the cases of Lumpectomy,  Mastectomy, Prostectomy, etc… Recently, three patients have come to our clinic who have neglected these surgical procedures and have elected to do a cutting-edge, non-standard procedure called CRYOABLATION in conjunction with our Advanced Gerson Therapy. Very few doctors in the United States are doing it but we have someone close to our center specializing in this treatment. We are incredibly excited for the future of our patients who choose this procedure over standard chemotherapy,  radiation and surgery. Doing Cryoablation alone, even with the conventional immunotherapy prescribed after the procedure, will not ultimately prevent the disease from returning which typically occurs within 2-7 years after conventional treatment of chemo and radiation. ONLY by addressing the original causes of the disease such as diet and environmental/lifestyle toxicity, can one permanently reverse advanced cancer and disease. This is where our Advanced Gerson Therapy reigns supreme. Nevertheless, we are beyond excited to offer our patients this cutting edge, highly successful option of Cryoablation for their active tumors which is a much more thorough, natural, non-toxic and safer option than standard medical protocol which almost always recommends chemo and radiation before they will agree to Lumpectomy or Mastectomy.  We look forward to this union of our treatments with Cryoablation for the benefit of all our patients.

The Indisputable Science Behind the Gerson Therapy

Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Dr. Albert Schweitzer, called Dr. Max Gerson, ” one of the most eminent geniuses in medical history.” Sixty years after his death Gerson remains exactly that as no other therapy in the history of medicine has such a storied history of being able to reverse advanced cancer and disease. For this reason, seven movies have chronicled this great man’s genius. Listen carefully as Dr. Vickers takes his patients through the indisputable science on how his Advanced Gerson Therapy is able to reverse advanced cancer and degenerative disease, as well as maintaining optimal health in a world where disease has, for lack of a better word, has become pandemic. For more information on how to successfully reverse advanced cancer and degenerative diseases visit our website www.gersonclinic.com.


Incredible Patient Testimonial/Update: Manuel A. from San Antonio, Texas.

Seven movies have chronicled the Gerson Therapy’s ability to reverse advanced disease. Unfortunately,  those movies have all focused on Gerson’s ability to reverse advanced cancer when, the reality is, the Gerson Therapy is reversing virtually every single degenerative condition. Manny came to us three weeks ago with many conditions secondary to his kidney cancer; diabetes, severe high blood pressure, overweight, etc…In just three weeks Manny’s condition has improved dramatically on ALL fronts. Listen to this brief interview and you will understand why Dr. Gerson’s ADVANCED GERSON THERAPY PROTOCOL is, hands down, the most powerful therapy in the world for the treatment of advanced disease.


Prostate cancer CURED

In December 2019, Geoff came to us with prostate cancer that had spread to his spine and hips with a PSA level of 3.8. Only eight months into his therapy his PSA is down to .1 which is well within normal range; clearly evidence that he is getting better. Not only is the cancer activity disappearing but other secondary health issues Geoff had for years before diagnosis have virtually disappeared. Yet another powerful testimony to the efficacy of the Gerson Therapy when, and only when, it is carried out as instructed. Enjoy this fantastic testimony.


The Secret to the Gerson Therapy’s Success in Reversing Cancer and Advanced Disease.

The Secret to the Gerson Therapy’s Success in Reversing Cancer and Advanced Disease—SUGAR!
In this five minute video, Dr. Vickers explains the “secret” of the science behind the Gerson Therapy’s historical supremacy in its ability to reverse advanced cancer and disease. Today, the Ketogenic Diet, which discourages the consumption of fruit and vegetable sugars in favor of a high fat, high protein diet, has quickly become one of the most promoted strategies for treating cancer by some of the biggest names in the alternative treatment industry including Dr. Mercola and Ty Bollinger. This disturbing trend will lead millions of cancer sufferers away from the “THE TRUTH ABOUT CANCER” as it relates to healing disease and will cause countless health problems one to two years out as we clearly discovered with the Atkins Diet (high fat, high protein) when it was trendy 20 years ago. The Gerson Therapy, the most storied therapy in the history of medicine for reversing advanced disease, is the direct antithesis to, and diametrically opposed to, the principles of the Ketogenic Diet. The “Secret” is simple; the human immune system is rallied by the consumption of fruit and vegetable sugars and it is destroyed by a high fat, high protein diet! Ten years from now there will be absolutely no evidence of long term survival rates from cancer using the Ketogenic Diet that generates massive amounts of acidity in the body. Only diets that highly alkalinize the body, as the Gerson Therapy does, will reign supreme. Sit back as Dr. Vickers explains the science between Sugar and Cancer which will, one day, render the Ketogenic Diet obsolete.



Its common knowledge in Gerson circles that we have successfully treated every cancer under the sun in the last 100 years. We continue to do so for those who are faithful to do our ADVANCED GERSON THERAPY exactly as we teach them. Here is a great testimonial of an adenocarcinoma of the Parotid gland. Kawika is now completely cancer free which has dumbfounded his doctors. For all those medical doctors out there who want to dismiss what we are able to do(and that is most doctors) we like to repeat the words of our late Dr. Gerson who always said, ” It is the results at the sick bed that are decisive!” In other words, it does not matter whether people think we can, or cannot, cure advanced disease; our cured patients prove it!

Watch this incredible testimony from a lovely, humble man who has defeated his cancer while all those around him continued to die after having gone through conventional treatment.


Dr. Vickers visits Cambodia

Dr. Vickers visits Cambodia and Khmer Sight International Eye Mission with Secretary of State Sean Ngu and Prince Tesso of Cambodia.

Dr. Vickers has just returned from visiting his friend, Secretary of State, Sean Ngu and Prince Tesso of Cambodia. Secretary of State Ngu is responsible for founding several humanitarian organizations to serve the poor of Cambodia. One of those organizations is Khmer Sight International that gathers volunteer ophthalmologists from all over the world who come and donate their time by giving free cataract surgeries to those unable to see with this condition. The incredible network of volunteers from doctors, medical and nursing students to the general public is truly a thing to behold. Giving someone back their ability to see completely transforms someone’s life. Most people suffering blindness experience feelings of fear and vulnerability; not to mention they are completely dependent on others for very basic needs. The amazing transformation in their lives once their cataracts are removed is nothing short of remarkable. It truly is a second lease on life. Dr. Vickers has had two opportunities now to witness this incredible gift given to the poorest of people who could, otherwise, not afford this basic procedure. What would normally cost $5000-7000US per eye costs only $100 to bus a person into Phnom Penh, two night stay in a hotel and supplies for the surgery. Enjoy all the photos below and if you would like to see more of Khmer Sight International or donate please see the links below.